Michael DiIorio,

Life & Wellness Coach

The privilege of your lifetime is to be who you are.

In a society that rewards fitting in, standing out is a risk.

But it’s a risk worth taking to feel the thrill of living a life on your terms.

I am here to inspire you, empower you, and guide you. 

Let’s make magic.



As your coach, I help you overcome the challenges that are preventing you from living your life on your terms. My role is to help you see the things you are not seeing and empower you into taking action. Coaching packages packages of 4, 10, or 20 sessions.


As your group facilitator and instructor, I help create a safe space where we can come together to learn, share, and connect with each other around a common challenge. Wellismo Workshops are limited to 15 participants. Topics and dates vary.

It was a real pleasure working with Michael. The growth I’ve seen and realized couldn’t come through had it not been for our work together. I’m so much better, grateful, content, and self-assured now. I’m much more loving and kind to myself these days. I’m even more loving and kind to others without losing myself in the process.

Glen H.


Working with Michael over the last six months has been a huge blessing. Among other things, I learned that I can be deeply spiritual and gay at the same time. That would have been a big taboo considering the society and culture I was born and raised in. He showed me how to have the courage to be my authentic self.

Mandeep C.

United States

Coaching with Michael has been one of the best gifts I’ve ever given myself. I learned so much about myself, including finally understanding the beliefs that were affecting how I live my life, and holding me back from living more fully. You will definitely move forward in being a more authentic you and that’s incredible!

Matthew C.

United States

Jealousy vs. Envy (and what to do about it)

Jealousy vs. Envy (and what to do about it)

Jealousy and envy often get mixed up because they feel similarly awful. Let's dissect the difference between jealousy and envy. A few years ago when I started Wellismo, I stumbled upon a video of a young man on Instagram with genuine eyes and a soothing voice talking...

Let the Adversity Awaken You

Let the Adversity Awaken You

Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash It’s common in our modern society to shrug off spirituality as an airy fairy, woo woo concept that serves no real purpose during a crisis.  But it’s in times of adversity and uncertainty that those with a spiritual...

Life Coaching for Gay Men

Life Coaching for Gay Men

A gay life coach provides a supportive, non-judgmental space for LGBTQ+ clients to work towards creating a more fulfilling and authentic life.