by Michael | Jan 24, 2022 | Mind
Part of my job as a coach is to ask powerful questions to help clients discover themselves and reveal truths that they may not be aware of. Today I want to share 3 of these questions with you so that you can utilize them on your own path of self-discovery. 1. Why?...
by Michael | Mar 18, 2020 | Mind
Photo by Marquise Kamanke on Unsplash Step 1: Understand We are living through a moment of significant change and unprecedented global disruption. Naturally, this evokes feelings of uncertainty, fear, and anxiety. This is a perfectly normal and healthy reaction....
by Michael | Mar 11, 2020 | Mind
I recently achieved my goal of becoming a wellness coach with the International Association of Wellness Professionals. The first question I get is “what does a coach do?” The second question is “how is that different from a therapist?” While...
by Michael | Dec 15, 2019 | Mind
Saying no is hard for many of us. Often it’s because we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or we don’t feel we have a valid reason for saying no. But what is a valid reason? Moreover, who is the ultimate authority on determining whether a reason is valid? You...
by Michael | Sep 10, 2019 | Mind, Soul
When obstacles arise in life, one of the things I like to do is look at them from two lenses: the first is very close up micro lens where I dig into the nuts and bolts of it. Then, I zoom way out and look at it from a macro lens. Doing so allows me to observe patterns...
by Michael | Jul 25, 2019 | Mind
Reputation is defined as the set beliefs and opinions that are generally held about someone or something. We spend a lot of time trying to manage our reputation because it tends to dictate our social experiences. Professionally, having a good reputation can lead to...
by Michael | May 18, 2019 | Mind
Instagram’s pilot project of removing the number of post likes is generating much-needed discussion about social media and its impact on our mental health. Social media platforms are being targeted for fueling a mental health crisis, as studies are showing...
by Michael | Apr 18, 2019 | Mind
Self-confidence is sexy. Everyone wants to have more of it and we envy those who (we think) have more of it than we do. But not many people talk about it’s ugly twin brother, self-doubt. Yet it is the people who know how to mindfully manage self-doubt that are...
by Michael | Feb 2, 2019 | Mind
Practical tips on managing those pesky limiting beliefs Limiting beliefs are those thoughts that we have gotten so used to thinking that they have turned into seemingly hard-wired beliefs. These are thoughts that do not serve us and prevent us from achieving our...