How Coaching Is Different From Therapy

How Coaching Is Different From Therapy

I recently achieved my goal of becoming a wellness coach with the International Association of Wellness Professionals. The first question I get is “what does a coach do?” The second question is “how is that different from a therapist?” While...
25 Ways to Say No

25 Ways to Say No

Saying no is hard for many of us. Often it’s because we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or we don’t feel we have a valid reason for saying no. But what is a valid reason? Moreover, who is the ultimate authority on determining whether a reason is valid?  You...
Overcoming Loneliness

Overcoming Loneliness

I’ve struggled with loneliness for as long as I can remember. I was a quiet, shy kid who found it hard to connect with the other boys. As I got older, I learned how to fit in by repressing the “different” (read: gay) parts of myself. And even in my adult...
6 Practical Tips to Overcome Pride Hangover

6 Practical Tips to Overcome Pride Hangover

Wash off the face paint and sweep up the glitter, Pride celebrations are over for another year. In Toronto we were blessed with perfect weather which contributed to one of the best Prides in recent history. While Pride can be a celebratory and exhilarating experience,...