5 Reasons You Don’t Ask For What You Want

5 Reasons You Don’t Ask For What You Want

Wouldn’t it be great if you never had to ask for what you want? Imagine if everyone in your life could anticipate your every desire, saving you the hassle of having to ask. Unfortunately, for a lot of people, the simple matter of asking creates an...
What to Do About Your Blind Spot

What to Do About Your Blind Spot

You have a blind spot. Psychologically speaking, a blind spot is an unseen mental obstacle. Unlike physical blind spots, this one is in the abyss of your deep inner world. Even the most self-aware among us cannot see their own blind spots. You don’t know what...
How Coaching Is Different From Therapy

How Coaching Is Different From Therapy

I recently achieved my goal of becoming a wellness coach with the International Association of Wellness Professionals. The first question I get is “what does a coach do?” The second question is “how is that different from a therapist?” While...
Self-Doubt: The Key to Self-Confidence

Self-Doubt: The Key to Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is sexy. Everyone wants to have more of it and we envy those who (we think) have more of it than we do. But not many people talk about it’s ugly twin brother, self-doubt. Yet it is the people who know how to mindfully manage self-doubt that are...