The Library is Open
Here is a list of wellness-related books that you can find on my bookshelf at home. My versions are highlighted and full of scribbles and notes in the margins. Hundreds of a-ha moments have emanated from these pages. In their own way, these books have influenced my own personal growth and development. If you have any questions, recommendations, or want to discuss any that you’ve already read, I’d be happy to hear from you. Wellismo is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, so if you make a purchase from the links here, I may earn a small commission from Amazon at no extra cost to you.
General Life Awesomeness
Jen Sincero will make you laugh out loud. I love this book because she covers all of the basic foundations of spirituality in a very breezy and fun way. From there, she shows you how to build the awesome life you’ve always wanted.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
You probably know someone who has read this book. Such is the influence of Mark’s work on our generation. He reminds us that accepting ourselves and our flaws is where our real power lies. Choose your fucks wisely.
Brené Brown’s ode to courage. This book will help you understand that vulnerability IS a strength and in fact, the key to building meaningful and genuine connections. It’s filled with quantitative and qualitative research to prove it.
You have a built-in barrier to success and happiness. In this book, Gay Hendricks explains what that is and how to achieve your full potential in love and life.

The first edition was written in 1989 and is considered one of the building blocks of the spiritual awakening. In this book, Gary defines “the soul” and why we have one. This book that Oprah says she has on her nightstand at all times.
Marianne Williamson takes lessons from A Course in Miracles to create this spiritual powerhouse of a book. Though the book uses traditional Christian terms, it does so non-traditional, non-religious ways.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
In his infinite wisdom, Deepak teaches the natural spiritual laws that we need to live in harmony with to achieve any kind of greatness. The lessons in this book apply universally in humans and nature alike.
At 138 pages, this is a quick read. Derived from esoteric knowledge of the ancient Toltec peoples, the book covers four basic agreements that we must make with ourselves to live a life of joy and fulfillment.
[/et_pb_text]Fair warning: this book is a behemoth and a commitment. You will need an accompanying journal to do all of the introspective work Caroline asks of you to discover your higher life purpose using archetypes.
Spirituality is not the same as religion and Sam Harris looks at what spirituality means while removing the lens and language of traditional religion. This is also a great book for people who like myself identify as spiritual, but not religious.
General Woo Woo Goodness
I lost my spiritual virginity to Abraham Hicks I've never looked back. Abraham is the authority on the Universal Laws and this book provides all of the processes that help you get into the flow of creating your own reality.
Intention is not the same as determination. Wayne Dyer suggests that intention is in fact the force in the universe from which creation takes place. Intention isn't something you do, it's a field of energy you're a part of.
This is a cornerstone in the mindfulness catalogue. Eckhart explains the difference between our unlimited consciousness and the ego mind, and then shows us how the present moment is the path to our indestructible essence.
Expanding on the concepts in The Power of Now, Eckhart dives deeper into what our ego is and how it manifests in our day-to-day lives. He then shows us how to transcend the ego to awaken to your inner purpose.
If you've ever struggled with self-sabotage and that inner saboteur we all have inside of us, this book is for you. This book offers a three-step program to tame that side of you that seeks to destroy your life, and pave the way to more productive behaviours.
If you're a gay man, chances are you've read this book or know someone who has. The author draws on his research as a clinical psychologist to describe the gay man's relationship with inner shame and how it ends up manifesting in our adult lives. A must-read.
Advocacy & Activism
If you've seen the movie Milk, you're familiar with the character of Cleve Jones, portrayed by Emile Hirsch. When We Rise is Cleve's memoirs of his roots in activism and how he became one of the leading voices in the fight for LGBT rights in the U.S. A highly inspiring book that will also make you laugh.
Tim McCaskell contextualizes his work in gay, queer, and AIDS activism in Toronto from 1974 to 2014. This book outlines how a social movement evolved from a small group of young radicals to the incorporation of LGBTQ communities into full citizenship on the model of Canadian multiculturalism.