by Michael | Jan 9, 2025 | Sexuality
I’ve talked about Bathhouse Basics before… but I want to fill you in on my new fave bathhouse/gay sauna – located in Munich. I’ve been to bathhouses all over the world (I make it a point to visit one in each city I visit) but walking through the doors of...
by Michael | Apr 18, 2019 | Mind
Self-confidence is sexy. Everyone wants to have more of it and we envy those who (we think) have more of it than we do. But not many people talk about it’s ugly twin brother, self-doubt. Yet it is the people who know how to mindfully manage self-doubt that are...
by Michael | Jan 8, 2019 | Mind, Sexuality
The steam room can be an interesting place to practice mindfulness Anyone who enjoys the benefits of a good steam or sauna after a workout knows about the creepy men who seem to be permanent fixtures in the locker room. Do they ever actually work out? Do they have...