by Michael | Dec 12, 2019 | Mind
I’ve struggled with loneliness for as long as I can remember. I was a quiet, shy kid who found it hard to connect with the other boys. As I got older, I learned how to fit in by repressing the “different” (read: gay) parts of myself. And even in my adult...
by Michael | Mar 26, 2019 | Sexuality
Instagram is making Grindr irrelevant in 2019 Years ago I was dating someone who opened my eyes to the emergence of Instagram as a dating app. For the record, we didn’t meet online – it was an organic encounter (gasp!)- and so we had no prior knowledge of...
by Michael | Mar 12, 2019 | Mind, Sexuality
Spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with luck Traditional wisdom tells us that if you’re relatively attractive and have a charming personality, it should be easy enough to find love- especially in the connected world of social media and dating apps. Yet we all...