by Michael | Mar 26, 2019 | Sexuality
Instagram is making Grindr irrelevant in 2019 Years ago I was dating someone who opened my eyes to the emergence of Instagram as a dating app. For the record, we didn’t meet online – it was an organic encounter (gasp!)- and so we had no prior knowledge of...
by Michael | Jan 8, 2019 | Mind, Sexuality
The steam room can be an interesting place to practice mindfulness Anyone who enjoys the benefits of a good steam or sauna after a workout knows about the creepy men who seem to be permanent fixtures in the locker room. Do they ever actually work out? Do they have...
by Michael | Jan 7, 2019 | Soul
Creation requires both yin and yang Both masculine and feminine energy are required in balance to create anything. Sexual reproduction of species is a great example of this law in the physical world, and in the way that is most obvious to us....
by Michael | Jan 7, 2019 | Soul
Nothing is permanent The Earth orbits around the sun, the moon travels around the Earth, the Earth completes a rotation every 24 hours, seasons change, tides come and go, day turn into night and back into day. These are all expressions of rhythm that have...
by Michael | Jan 6, 2019 | Soul
Everything has an opposite on the same continuum How would you know what heat is if you didn’t experience cold? How would you know the feeling of joy if you didn’t ever feel sadness? You need one to experience the other, and this is...
by Michael | Jan 5, 2019 | Soul
It’s all relative Picture this: you wake up to find it oddly bright for so early in the morning. That’s when you realize your iPhone alarm didn’t go off- the cord wasn’t plugged in properly and now the phone is dead. You’re already a half hour...
by Michael | Jan 5, 2019 | Soul
Energy is always in motion and changing forms This is one of my favourites when I’m feeling especially stuck. So far we’ve talked about the importance of energy and maintaining a high vibration. Of course that all sounds good, but we...
by Michael | Jan 5, 2019 | Soul
Your inner world will determine what manifests in your outer world As above, so below: this is one of my life mantras as it’s a simple reminder that what’s going on in my thought patterns, beliefs, and feelings is directly corresponds to what I perceive in...