by Michael | Apr 30, 2019 | Soul
The unexpected death of a loved one. A terminal diagnosis. Losing your job and source of livelihood. A painful relationship breakdown. Dark periods in our lives can manifest at any moment and in any number of ways. Darkness is an inevitable part of life and universal...
by Michael | Apr 18, 2019 | Mind
Self-confidence is sexy. Everyone wants to have more of it and we envy those who (we think) have more of it than we do. But not many people talk about it’s ugly twin brother, self-doubt. Yet it is the people who know how to mindfully manage self-doubt that are...
by Michael | Mar 21, 2019 | Mind, Soul
I have to thank my dearly departed grandfather for my first lesson in the power of goodbye. He was the typical Italian Nonno in that his garden was a Noah’s ark of plant life. Since I was obsessed with plants and trees, I followed him around, helping him tend to...
by Michael | Jan 6, 2019 | Soul
Everything has an opposite on the same continuum How would you know what heat is if you didn’t experience cold? How would you know the feeling of joy if you didn’t ever feel sadness? You need one to experience the other, and this is...