A 4-Step Process for Anxiety Relief

A 4-Step Process for Anxiety Relief

Photo by Marquise Kamanke on Unsplash Step 1: Understand  We are living through a moment of significant change and unprecedented global disruption. Naturally, this evokes feelings of uncertainty, fear, and anxiety. This is a perfectly normal and healthy reaction....
How Coaching Is Different From Therapy

How Coaching Is Different From Therapy

I recently achieved my goal of becoming a wellness coach with the International Association of Wellness Professionals. The first question I get is “what does a coach do?” The second question is “how is that different from a therapist?” While...
6 Mental Habits to Quit so You Can Soar in the New Year

6 Mental Habits to Quit so You Can Soar in the New Year

As we approach the New Year, New Me phase, I’m here to remind you that unless you change your mindset, there’s a good chance you’re going to end up being the same old you. That’s because you can’t change a habit from the same mind that...
Overcoming Loneliness

Overcoming Loneliness

I’ve struggled with loneliness for as long as I can remember. I was a quiet, shy kid who found it hard to connect with the other boys. As I got older, I learned how to fit in by repressing the “different” (read: gay) parts of myself. And even in my adult...
3 Simple Steps to Reduce Emotional Pain

3 Simple Steps to Reduce Emotional Pain

There are two kinds of emotional pain: the kind that we can’t control, and the kind we can. My boyfriend dumped me. Sucks right? A break up is a perfect example of one of those shitty things that happens in life that is completely out of our control. And for me,...