by Michael | May 18, 2019 | Mind
Instagram’s pilot project of removing the number of post likes is generating much-needed discussion about social media and its impact on our mental health. Social media platforms are being targeted for fueling a mental health crisis, as studies are showing...
by Michael | May 10, 2019 | Sexuality
Over the course of history, gay men have made an art form of seeking and engaging in casual sex. Also known as NSA (no strings attached), casual sex comes in many flavours from friends with benefits (FWB) and fuck buddies (FB) to anonymous (“anon”)...
by Michael | Apr 30, 2019 | Soul
The unexpected death of a loved one. A terminal diagnosis. Losing your job and source of livelihood. A painful relationship breakdown. Dark periods in our lives can manifest at any moment and in any number of ways. Darkness is an inevitable part of life and universal...
by Michael | Apr 18, 2019 | Mind
Self-confidence is sexy. Everyone wants to have more of it and we envy those who (we think) have more of it than we do. But not many people talk about it’s ugly twin brother, self-doubt. Yet it is the people who know how to mindfully manage self-doubt that are...
by Michael | Apr 11, 2019 | Sexuality
Have you ever tried to explain to your straight friends or family what NSA, PNP, BB bukkake is? They would probably be horrified (Google that at your own risk). Gay lingo can be incredibly amusing, colourful, and effective. However, there are some terms that on closer...
by Michael | Apr 5, 2019 | Mind, Sexuality, Soul
I am the first to admit that I live in a bubble. To many outside the bubble I am the cliché white cis-gendered gay man, living the swingin’ downtown bachelor lifestyle. But you know what? I’m totally okay with that. I feel blessed that this is my life. There was...
by Michael | Mar 26, 2019 | Sexuality
Instagram is making Grindr irrelevant in 2019 Years ago I was dating someone who opened my eyes to the emergence of Instagram as a dating app. For the record, we didn’t meet online – it was an organic encounter (gasp!)- and so we had no prior knowledge of...
by Michael | Jan 8, 2019 | Mind, Sexuality
The steam room can be an interesting place to practice mindfulness Anyone who enjoys the benefits of a good steam or sauna after a workout knows about the creepy men who seem to be permanent fixtures in the locker room. Do they ever actually work out? Do they have...
by Michael | Jan 7, 2019 | Soul
Creation requires both yin and yang Both masculine and feminine energy are required in balance to create anything. Sexual reproduction of species is a great example of this law in the physical world, and in the way that is most obvious to us....
by Michael | Jan 7, 2019 | Soul
Nothing is permanent The Earth orbits around the sun, the moon travels around the Earth, the Earth completes a rotation every 24 hours, seasons change, tides come and go, day turn into night and back into day. These are all expressions of rhythm that have...