Everything is connected
We’re all connected: you, your dog, the tilapia you had for dinner, your boss, and Dwayne the annoying barista at your local café. That’s right, you and Dwayne come from the same place and are energetically connected. This may be hard to believe because our egos are so good at highlighting our individuality and our differences. We are separate individuals of course- but that’s just looking at one plane of reality: the physical. You and I are both physical expressions of the same energy. In fact, every living being is a physical manifestation of the same source energy. This is the concept of divine oneness.
People normally cut reality into compartments, and so are unable to see the interdependence of all phenomena. To see one in all and all in one is to break through the great barrier which narrows one’s perception of reality
Thich Nhat Hanh
So let’s dig a little deeper: if we’re all connected, then your thoughts, actions, and behaviours impact the greater all. We tend to believe that we can walk around in the bubble of our own lives without consideration for how our actions impact those around us, our communities, and our environment. The result: we live in a deeply divided society and our environment is turning on us. Sometimes the impact is obvious and immediate: you get into an argument with a friend and feel remorseful afterwards. Sometimes the impact indirect and you may never actually notice it: you hold the door open for a stranger who unbeknownst to you feels invisible to the world him, and that gesture of simply acknowledging his presence brightened his entire day.
Be mindful of your thoughts, actions, and behaviour for they send waves throughout the universe and since we’re all connected, what goes around comes back around in some form.