Nothing is permanent
The Earth orbits around the sun, the moon travels around the Earth, the Earth completes a rotation every 24 hours, seasons change, tides come and go, day turn into night and back into day. These are all expressions of rhythm that have been occurring for millennia. Energy is always in motion, and these motions create cycles and patterns. We see examples of this in the stock market, political leanings of society, and the circle of life. Each phase has a different purpose and function, but together they are vital to the full picture.
To be interested in the changing of the seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with the spring
George Santayana
Rhythm is everywhere
We tend to get attached to one specific phase without understanding the holistic picture. We like bull markets, long summer days, progressive politics because those feel good. But as we learned with The Law of Polarity, we in fact need the other phases just as much because they are part of a greater whole. This law teaches us to take a hundred steps back and realize that everything has its time. We tend to want things on our terms and timelines, but if we just took a breath and exercised patience, we’d see that the tides always turn; trust the process.

As in the external world, the same principle applies within us: our thoughts, moods, and emotions are ever-changing. When we’re sad, we often feel like the feeling will be forever and one of my personal favourite mantras when I’m in a particularly foul mood is “this won’t last forever.” That thought itself creates a gradual shift up the vibrational scale. Equally, it’s important to remember this concept when things are going well because we know that isn’t permanent either. Understanding this law helps us cultivate a mindset of gratitude, which is one of the easiest high-frequency emotions to tap into in any given moment.
Go with the flow of the rhythm
We don’t control these rhythms, but if we can learn to go with the flow rather than resist it, we will be much happier in the long run. If you planted a vegetable garden in October you’ll be a frustrated gardener. But if you have the patience to wait until spring, you’ll be an abundant one.
When things are going well, appreciate it while it lasts; when things aren’t going well, take comfort in knowing that better days will come. Learn to observe the ebb and flow of life with patience and faith that there is a time for everything.