Everything has a unique vibration or frequency
Every living organism, every inanimate object, every thought, feeling, and desire has a unique vibration unto itself. We know this has been proven by science in the physical world: solids have a lower frequency than liquids and gasses. What we perceive as colour is just different frequencies of light (red has lowest frequency; violet highest). This concept also applies to thoughts and feelings. Emotions such as love, joy, and gratitude vibrate at a higher frequency than grief, despair, and anger.
Good vibes only
Ever heard someone say “I get a weird vibe from that guy” or “I have such good vibes about this”? That’s the Law of Vibration at work. Since we ourselves are vibrational beings, we can intuitively sense the vibes of other people and situations. Traditionally, we’re not taught to use our intuition but if we listen carefully, there is a lot of knowledge already within us. The trick is to learn how to tap into that intuition.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.
Nikola Tesla
If you’re wondering where you’re vibrating at any given moment, there’s an easy way to find out. What are you thinking? How do you feel? What is happening around you? When we’re vibing low, you’ll find stress, anxiety, frustration, sadness, and anger. You’re short with people and generally aren’t very pleasant to be around.
When you’re vibing high you feel light, optimistic, eager, and grateful. In this space, things tend to naturally go well: the subway arrives just as you’re walking down the stairs, strangers smile at you, and life feels pretty good. Of course, bad things happen and we react as we’re programmed to- but we always have a choice in choosing our reaction. Yelling at the guy who cut you off is an understandable reaction, but it’s a low vibration one. Taking a deep breath, choosing to react differently, and then letting the incident go is a higher vibration alternative.

Be aware of your intuitive vibes on situations and be mindful of what vibes you’re generating through your thoughts and actions.