Your inner world will determine what manifests in your outer world

As above, so below: this is one of my life mantras as it’s a simple reminder that what’s going on in my thought patterns, beliefs, and feelings is directly corresponds to what I perceive in the physical outer world. This is why it’s so important to do the inner work first. The tricky part is that we need to be aware of what’s going on in there in the first place as many of us are riddled with subconscious limiting beliefs that we’ve been carrying since childhood.

Money vibes

Let’s look at money as an example. We all want more money, right? But it’s one of those topics that is typically entangled with deep-seated limiting beliefs. We want more money but we’ve never had enough money; we are filled with envy when our neighbour announces a $50,000 renovation; we say things like “must be nice” when our friends can afford things that we can’t. In all these cases, you’re coming from a place of fear and lack – which are certainly not vibrations that will attract an abundance of cash. Left unchecked, these belief patterns manifest in our external reality as something like a parking ticket, overdue bills, or an unexpected expense. And this of course, just reinforces the belief and keeps the cycle going.

You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are

Wayne Dyer

Instead, we need to align with that vibration of abundance from the inside first, and then the external reality will begin to respond accordingly. This certainly isn’t easy when it comes to some topics that we stress about, but it’s amazing how quickly things change when it comes to topics where there is little to no resistance.

Many of us aren’t aware of our limiting beliefs and what’s all knotted up in our vibrations. This is why meditation is very important in helping you get clear and quieting the mind.


If you want to change your external circumstances, you need to do the inner work first. Get still, get clear, and then watch as your circumstances begin to change. As above, so below.