You must take action to get results

As nice as it would be to sit on your butt and meditate things into reality, it doesn’t work that way. While the vibrational aspect is a big piece of the puzzle, for actual results, inspired action is required. The key word here is inspired action. Inspired actions are actions that are aligned with the things you’re truly passionate about. You’ll know because the work should be challenging yet enjoyable, rather than feel like a struggle that is met with frustration and anxiety.  

Any successful person will tell you that their success came with a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. That’s not meant to scare you- it’s meant to inspire you. Writers will often say that hours go by unnoticed when they’re writing because their labour is a labour of love. They work hard, but they are not suffering through it. The actions may or may not turn into a best-seller, and in fact, may never see the light of day. The achievement is not in the result, but in what they’ve learned in the process. When you’re aligned with something that you really want, the work won’t seem like drudgery.

Your desires are brought to you via thought, and you receive them by deciding to take action

Jen Sincero

Sometimes even the smallest action will open up a slightly bigger opportunity, and then that will lead to something else that moves you closer to your goals, and so on. It’s not always obvious, so the trick is to use your intuition and not over-think it or let yourself get in the way. We are raised to believe that results come from hard work, which is true, but we get to decide whether that work is a struggle or simply the process of mastery.


Take stock of the things you’re doing in your daily life. Are they aligned with your desires? If so, does it feel like a challenge or a struggle? Challenge is good for you, but struggling is a sign that you need to ease up a bit.