Every action has a reaction
The principle that one’s intentions and actions influence the future of that individual is so omnipresent that it comes up in many other spiritual traditions. Karma is a popular example of this. I think almost every culture around the world has some form of “you reap what you sow” or “what goes around comes around” in its lexicon. Going back to the first universal law, we know that nothing we think or do is in isolation since we’re all energetically connected. Whether good or bad, our thoughts and actions will be reflected back to us in some form.
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect
Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you want to be loved, love those around you. If you want to receive abundance, give generously. If you want to live a healthy life, eat well and exercise regularly. If this is so simple, why do we have a hard time with it? I think awareness of our own actions, thoughts, and intentions has a lot to do with it. We are often on autopilot when it comes to our thoughts, so we don’t recognize the opportunity to upgrade them to yield more favourable results.
Awareness is key
The issue is that we’re not always aware of our thought patterns and then we wonder how the circumstances ended up happening to us. Crying out “why me?” is a low-vibration victim mentality that left ukabuddnchecked will keep delivering experiences that make us feel victimized. Instead of “why me?” take a breath, and ask a more empowering question: “what did I do to contribute to this?” Be honest with yourself about answering that. When we become accountable for our circumstances instead of victims of them we begin to see that we are not the puppets; we are in fact the puppet masters.
This is about taking responsibility for your life and getting into an awareness of aligning your thoughts and actions with the results you’re seeking to obtain.

Take a look at your life and examine how your intentions, thoughts and actions have contributed to what you’re experiencing. Take the opportunity to make a better choice next time and then watch as those negative circumstances turn into positive ones.