Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash
It’s common in our modern society to shrug off spirituality as an airy fairy, woo woo concept that serves no real purpose during a crisis.
But it’s in times of adversity and uncertainty that those with a spiritual practice are anchored by their faith. Personally, being connected to my deeper Self has allowed me the capacity to respond relatively calmly and serve others in the midst of the fear, anxiety, and stress happening around me.
Self vs. self
People attach many meanings to the word “spirituality”, and not all of them are compatible with one another. To me, it refers to that which is beyond the illusion of self (name, gender, nationality, life story, achievements, etc.). It is the part of me that is not my body and not my mind. My spiritual Self is my true nature, my soul. My spiritual practice reminds me that my conventional sense of self is an illusion, and that my state of consciousness directly impacts my experience of the world.
A Dark Night of the Collective Soul
My spiritual journey (I like to call it my “awakening”) began in earnest after a personal dark night of the soul. I believe that what we are experiencing today is a collective dark night of the soul for the human race. It even includes the four hallmarks:
- Revealing truths we don’t want to see
- Shattering strongly held belief systems
- Withdrawing from life
- Transformation
For more on this, check out Lean Into The Darkness.
As Above, So Below

At the surface level, the current global pandemic looks like a purely physical obstacle. Indeed, thousands of people are sick and dying. But look closer and you’ll millions more suffering mentally; we are a species gripped by fear and anxiety. Spiritually we are suffering too: we live in a world that upholds the illusion of separateness between humans, species, and the natural world.
But at both the societal and individual levels, the adversity is what fuels the next step in our evolution.
Maybe this “time out” will give us the chance to reflect. Maybe we’ll see that we are all the same spirit in different disguises. In doing so, we will come to respect each other and the beings with which we share this beautiful world. We will understand that we are neither inferior or superior to anyone or anything.
Change Doesn’t Happen in the Comfort Zone
But these deep shifts don’t happen when we’re in our comfort zones. We require severe distress to shake us to our core so we can awaken to a deeper level of consciousness. Those who do will find greater peace of mind. Those who don’t will suffer – not at the hands of anyone else, but within their own minds.
I am not an enlightened master by any means. This pandemic is giving me a chance to deepen my own faith, question my beliefs, and accelerate my personal awakening. It is an opportunity for me to practice my sense of oneness.
Having a spiritual practice does not spare you from pain or tragedy- we are all human, after all. But it offers you a path beyond the suffering that occurs at the surface level self by opening you up to a state of well being that is intrinsic to your deeper Self.
When the ego weeps for what it has lost, the spirit rejoices for what is has found
How to Connect with Your Deeper Self
For many people, the connection to their deeper Self is repressed because of the damage dogmatic institutions have done in this domain. But you don’t have to suffer through a dark night of the soul to grow your spiritual muscles. With a genuine desire to seek out this knowledge, there are many teachers, guides, and resources available.
I do not believe in a prescribed method of exploring your spirituality. It is a deeply personal experience that is as unique as you are. Personally, I experience spirituality in many ways, but the natural world is where I feel most connected, clear, intuitive and expansive.
As a life and wellness coach, I am trained to guide you through your own self-discovery by holding space and enabling you to explore your deeper Self. I would be honoured to be part of your journey. Contact me to learn more.
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash