In Week 3 of the Shamelessly Gay Men’s Group we covered the topic of internalized homophobia. 

This is not an easy topic. 

Confronting your own homophobic thoughts and attitudes can be quite jarring, especially if you are an out and proud member of the LGBTQ+. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

But each and every time, the men in the group rise to the challenge. Each participant courageously shares his own experiences and insights which enables us all to tap into the collective wisdom of the group and learn from each other’s real-world experiences. 

As often happens, they inspire me. 💡

So today I wanted to share some thoughts with you on the topic of healing that have been on my mind since that group session, and I think they might resonate with you as well.


Healing sounds soothing and comforting, but the reality that when it’s actually happening, it feels messy and painful. 

It demands that we confront our deepest fears, face our ickiest wounds, and unearth buried emotions that we’d rather leave undisturbed. 

It’s not a smooth, linear process, but rather a journey full of ups and downs, twists and turns. 🎢

Yet, despite the discomfort and chaos that accompanies healing, it is worth the struggle.

Just as a gardener prunes a rosebush to help it flourish, we too must trim away the thorns in our lives to make room for strength and growth. 🌹

Healing allows us to let go of past baggage, reestablish our sense of self, and pave the way for a brighter, more authentic future.

In the midst of the messiness, we learn resilience and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. We discover hidden strengths we never knew we possessed and uncover the profound capacity of our own spirit to endure, adapt, and ultimately thrive.

This is the magic of it. ✨

I have witnessed this pattern time and time again; and it motivates me to continue creating spaces for healing to occur.

Beware of this common pitfall

A word of caution: just because we heal an aspect of ourselves, doesn’t mean we achieve some kind of ‘perfection.’

We are still human: a tangled mess of paradoxes, good days and bad ones, messy moments and magical ones. ✨

And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Healing doesn’t mean that issues don’t persist, it just means they no longer control your life.

Final thoughts

The nature of my job means that I come into a lot of people’s lives somewhere along their healing journey. 

My clients don’t feel it in the moment, but from my perspective, I see them in the midst of extraordinary acts of resilience, strength, and courage.

So if you’re navigating the turbulent waters of healing, it’s perfectly normal for it to be messy and painful. 

Scream and cry if you need to. 

The transformation that comes from this process is worth every tear. 🥹

If you are in the midst of your own healing journey, Wellismo can support you with 1-on-1 Private Coaching or Men’s Group Coaching programs.