
Let’s talk about rhythm, 

The Earth orbits around the sun, the moon travels around the Earth, the Earth completes a rotation every 24 hours, seasons change, tides come and go, day turn into night and back into day. 

These are all expressions of rhythm that have been occurring for millennia.

Similarly, throughout our lives, we too go through seasons. Despair and victory, progress and idleness, happiness and heartache. 

I know this may be a little airy fairy for some of you, but stick with me on this. 

leaves hang on rope
Photo by Designecologist on Pexels.com

Your soul has seasons, just like the seasons within a calendar year. Winter, spring, summer, and fall are also seasons that we encounter at a spiritual level. 

Your soul seasons need not align with the external ones (though it’s fun when they do!), and they do not last for a fixed amount of time. 

What’s certain though, is that they do change – and when you are in tune with yourself, you’ll feel it.

Why your soul seasons matter

It’s important to understand what season you are in because you can then align with its rhythm instead of bucking against it. 

The latter creates frustration, the former feels like flow.

Let’s have a look at the spiritual meanings and best course of action for each of your soul seasons:

Spiritual meaning of spring 🌷

Symbolic themes: renewal, rejuvenation, growth, enthusiasm, fertility, freshness and invigoration. This is a great time to…

  • Rekindle your efforts on a passion project
  • Work on your body/fitness goals 
  • Sign up for a class, club or activity 
  • Start dating again 
  • Declutter your home
  • Travel, explore, and pursue new experiences

Spiritual meaning of summer 🌞

Symbolic themes: abundance, radiance, joy, success, self-confidence, strength, positive energy. This is a great time to…

  • Put yourself out there and be seen
  • Practice gratitude 
  • Say “YES!” to invitations and opportunities (even if they seem a little scary)
  • Do things that bring you joy just for the sheer fun of it
  • Move your body 
  • Celebrate your progress and wins (even the small ones!)

Spiritual meaning of autumn 🍂

Symbolic themes: change, transition, inner reflection, letting go, restoring balance, slowing down. This is a great time to…

  • Release things that have served their purpose 
  • Start a daily journaling / reflection practice 
  • Surrender to changes happening around you
  • Shed attachments, old habits, and emotional baggage
  • Tend to your home
  • Rest and practice self-care

Spiritual meaning of winter ❄️

Symbolic themes: darkness, hardship, isolation, resilience, withdrawal, rest, preparation. This is a great time to…

  • Process your pain into wisdom and strength
  • Quietly plan for your future by laying the groundwork and setting intentions
  • Connect to your inner world in solitude
  • Hibernate – rest, recharge, and restore your energy
  • Acknowledge your ability to endure
  • Meditate

Each of the soul seasons has its own unique benefit. While it’s natural to prefer some over others, they are all necessary and should not be discounted. 🌷🌞🍂❄️

How do you know what season you’re in?

The answer to this question is something you feel, not something you think, so don’t let your ego mind answer this; instead, let your intuition guide you. 

As always, I’m happy to guide you. ✨

In fact, when I begin working with clients, I assess what season they’re in and adapt my coaching accordingly.

Sometimes I give them journaling prompts and reflection exercises. Other times, their work is to get out there and take action in the world.

When you go with the flow of your soul seasons rather than resist them, you will find greater peace of mind and success in the long run. 

If you plant a vegetable garden in November you’ll be frustrated and disappointed. But if you have the patience to wait until spring, you’ll be an abundant one.

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