12 Questions to Ask Before Starting a Relationship

12 Questions to Ask Before Starting a Relationship

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels Often, the relationship questions we tend to ask are about appearance or personality. While that is important to an extent, there is a treasure trove of valuable information stored deep within ourselves. Only well-crafted questions...
3 Powerful Coaching Questions

3 Powerful Coaching Questions

Part of my job as a coach is to ask powerful questions to help clients discover themselves and reveal truths that they may not be aware of. Today I want to share 3 of these questions with you so that you can utilize them on your own path of self-discovery. 1. Why?...
Love Him or Leave Him

Love Him or Leave Him

Note: If you are in a relationship where your safety is at risk, this does not apply. Please read this instead. If you are in crisis and need to speak with someone immediately, visit www.goodhead.ca. I’ve been doing a lot of work in relationships with my clients...
4 Myths & 4 Truths About Sex Addiction

4 Myths & 4 Truths About Sex Addiction

Sex is one of those loaded topics that incites a lot of different opinions. It doesn’t help that there are centuries of religious and cultural stigma attached to it and very little objective education. What the adults in our life taught us about sex is hardly...


Invisible Minorities is a series where we delve into the complexities, joys, and pains of being a person of colour in the gay community. These are the stories we don’t hear often enough that shine a light on what it means to be at the intersection of race and...
Why Gay Bars Matter

Why Gay Bars Matter

Another one bites the dust. The news of Fly’s impending closure is the latest in a series of losses in our Village. This one hits home for me. Years before I moved downtown, my first true gay bar experience was at an event at Fly called Grapefruit. Growing up gay in...
What is Wellismo?

What is Wellismo?

I am the first to admit that I live in a bubble. To many outside the bubble I am the cliché white cis-gendered gay man, living the swingin’ downtown bachelor lifestyle. But you know what? I’m totally okay with that. I feel blessed that this is my life. There was...
It’s Official: Instagram is the New Grindr

It’s Official: Instagram is the New Grindr

Instagram is making Grindr irrelevant in 2019 Years ago I was dating someone who opened my eyes to the emergence of Instagram as a dating app. For the record, we didn’t meet online – it was an organic encounter (gasp!)- and so we had no prior knowledge of...
5 Reasons Why You’re Unlucky in Love

5 Reasons Why You’re Unlucky in Love

Spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with luck Traditional wisdom tells us that if you’re relatively attractive and have a charming personality, it should be easy enough to find love- especially in the connected world of social media and dating apps. Yet we all...