11. The Law of Rhythm

11. The Law of Rhythm

Nothing is permanent The Earth orbits around the sun, the moon travels around the Earth, the Earth completes a rotation every 24 hours, seasons change, tides come and go, day turn into night and back into day. These are all expressions of rhythm that have...
8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Energy is always in motion and changing forms This is one of my favourites when I’m feeling especially stuck. So far we’ve talked about the importance of energy and maintaining a high vibration. Of course that all sounds good, but we...
2. The Law of Vibration

2. The Law of Vibration

Everything has a unique vibration or frequency Every living organism, every inanimate object, every thought, feeling, and desire has a unique vibration unto itself. We know this has been proven by science in the physical world: solids have a lower frequency than...