Energy is always in motion and changing forms

This is one of my favourites when I’m feeling especially stuck. So far we’ve talked about the importance of energy and maintaining a high vibration. Of course that all sounds good, but we know that life throws us curve balls that just plain suck. If we only had the first 7 universal laws, we’d be living in fear of negative situations. This law reminds us that there’s nothing to be afraid of because energy is always in flux and better still, you have the power to transmute (change) it. 

The superpower law

This may sound like you have a superpower- and that’s because you do, it’s just one of those things that sounds obnoxiously easier than it is. You may have heard “energy flows where attention goes” and that is the gist of this law. Who is the thinker of your thoughts? You are. So by exercising your power to activate thoughts that serve you rather than the ones that don’t, you can transmute negative vibes first into neutral ones, and then into happier territory.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Victor Frankl

Remember Dwyane the annoying barista from the first law? Let’s say he got fired from his job and came home to find his boyfriend Ben left him. Shitty things happen and there’s bound to be some low frequency thoughts that arise: anger, resentment, sadness, and so on. These emotions are valid and should be acknowledged. But there’s a difference between acknowledging and wallowing. Eventually the pity party comes to an end and Dwayne needs to pick himself back up again by upgrading his thoughts to ones that serve him rather than ones that keep him stuck at the pity party. Maybe he didn’t like that job anyway, so this just means he’ll have more time to focus on finding a better one. As for Ben, he was such a mess that Dwayne would spend hours cleaning up his messes after coming home from his shift.  So now his thoughts begin to shift so that he can spend more time enjoying his clean home. This energy shift doesn’t happen overnight, but in small steps, things are starting to look up for Dwayne.


You always have the power to trigger positive change in your life by choosing a better-feeling thought in any given situation. Be aware of the stories you tell yourself and try to upgrade them into ones that get you closer to where you want to be rather than keep you stuck where you are.