Inside the Bathhouse: My time at the famous Deutsche

I’ve talked about Bathhouse Basics before… but I want to fill you in on my *new* fave bathhouse/gay sauna – located in Munich.

I’ve been to bathhouses all over the world (I make it a point to visit one in each city I visit) but walking through the doors of famous Deutsche Eiche, I could feel the sense of history within its walls. The air was warm, inviting, and just a little bit electric. Ok, maybe that was the steam…

An iconic gay establishment

Deutsche Eiche is spread on 16,000 square feet over 4 floors. It boasts a stunning Finnish sauna, a salt sauna, a large whirlpool jacuzzi, a rooftop winter garden, several TV rooms, relaxation rooms, massage rooms, a solarium, and a full menu restaurant and bar.

Not only this, the bathhouse is particularly beautiful and smells like a wellness spa- which I can’t say for other bathhouses I’ve been too.

I learned that this hotel (where I am staying as a guest) has been in existence since 1882. In addition, the Deutsche Eiche has been a meeting place for gay activists since the 1970s.

In fact, the legendary Freddie Mercury was a regular at the Deutsche Eiche when he lived in Munich from 1979 to ’85.

You can read more about their history here. Note: the pictures shown in this blog are taken from the official website; I did not take these photos as cameras are definitely NOT allowed. 🚫

First things first

On my first visit, I expected some of my typical Michael nerves and awkwardness.

But I’ve done this enough times that I know a few walks around the premises would help me feel more comfortable as I got a lay of the land.

In addition to the local crowd, I also met men from all over the world—some looking for fun, others just there to unwind.

One gentleman in particular introduced himself at the bar: “Are you Michael from Gay Men’s Brotherhood? I just want you to know you’ve helped me in immeasurable ways.”

We had a lovely chat in our towels before going on our way. Who says that you can’t have deep conversations at a bathhouse?

Sure, lots of people come here for hookups, but what often goes unspoken is the sense of belonging these spaces create. It’s a place where we can be unapologetically ourselves, shedding the layers of everyday life—quite literally.

But alas, I was there for more than just a nice conversation… 😈

The 5th wheel

In last month’s Pillow Talk I talked about the pros and cons of group fun. Well…

Cruising through the steam rooms, I spotted a hot couple in the corner. They looked shy, so I approached gently and waited for a green light: a verbal or body cue that says “yes, I’m interested.”

When they gave me the green light, I got closer. I have two hands and there were two of them, so the math worked out well. One dropped to his knees while the other went in for a passionate kiss.

By the time I opened my eyes there was a crowd of 6 other guys watching and touching themselves. Another couple joined us and from 3 we became 5. If you’re following the math that’s 4 more hands, 2 more mouths, 2 more bums, and 2 more… bratwurst 🌭 = a lot of delicious permutations. 🫦

Yes, technically I was the 5th wheel: me + 2 couples, but I must admit I like playing with couples. I lend that to the many couples I’ve coached on opening their relationship as well as my own experience being in an open relationship.

I like to make sure both partners feel equally appreciated and I’m also good at sensing energy if something is amiss; I don’t take things at all personally if it’s not a match for one of them.

But in this case, it was a match and much fun was had, even if we had more of a crowd watching than I prefer… 👀

The relaxation lounge where I had a little nap

After all was said and done, I had a 15-minute power nap in the chill relax area (pictured above).

I did a few more rounds in this massive complex, finding some sexy 1-on-1 moments in the dark corners of the dark room and various mazes they had in the basement.

Overall, my experience was a blast! Not just for the sexy fun, but because the grounds were stunning and well-kept. Plus, as a guest of the hotel, I paid a reduced entrance fee – a lovely perk!

Why I love the baths

As I reflect on my time at the Deutsche Eiche, I am reminded that these places aren’t just about indulgence—they’re about being unapologetically you and embracing your desires. So, whether you’re a regular, a first-timer, or simply curious, there’s always more to discover about who you are in these spaces.

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