by Michael | Oct 30, 2023 | Mind, Soul
In Week 3 of the Shamelessly Gay Men’s Group we covered the topic of internalized homophobia. This is not an easy topic. Confronting your own homophobic thoughts and attitudes can be quite jarring, especially if you are an out and proud member of the...
by Michael | Feb 19, 2023 | Mind
Wouldn’t it be great if you never had to ask for what you want? Imagine if everyone in your life could anticipate your every desire, saving you the hassle of having to ask. Unfortunately, for a lot of people, the simple matter of asking creates an...
by Michael | Oct 24, 2022 | Mind, Sexuality
Jealousy and envy often get mixed up because they feel similarly awful. Let’s dissect the difference between jealousy and envy. A few years ago when I started Wellismo, I stumbled upon a video of a young man on Instagram with genuine eyes and a soothing voice...
by Michael | Jul 23, 2022 | Mind
Have you ever said or done something in a fit of anger and immediately regretted it? Have you ever thought “I wish I had taken that chance when I had it?” Both of these are examples of REGRET. Regret is truly nasty feeling, and often comes with a side...
by Michael | Apr 24, 2022 | Mind
You have a blind spot. Psychologically speaking, a blind spot is an unseen mental obstacle. Unlike physical blind spots, this one is in the abyss of your deep inner world. Even the most self-aware among us cannot see their own blind spots. You don’t know what...
by Michael | Jan 24, 2022 | Mind
Part of my job as a coach is to ask powerful questions to help clients discover themselves and reveal truths that they may not be aware of. Today I want to share 3 of these questions with you so that you can utilize them on your own path of self-discovery. 1. Why?...
by Michael | Apr 23, 2020 | Mind
People are allowed to believe whatever they want and have their own opinions. Free will is a tenet of our human existence. This creates a breeding ground for disagreement: we’re all allowed to have our opinions and inevitably they will clash. Our minds are...
by Michael | Mar 18, 2020 | Mind
Photo by Marquise Kamanke on Unsplash Step 1: Understand We are living through a moment of significant change and unprecedented global disruption. Naturally, this evokes feelings of uncertainty, fear, and anxiety. This is a perfectly normal and healthy reaction....
by Michael | Mar 11, 2020 | Mind
I recently achieved my goal of becoming a wellness coach with the International Association of Wellness Professionals. The first question I get is “what does a coach do?” The second question is “how is that different from a therapist?” While...
by Michael | Dec 31, 2019 | Mind
As we approach the New Year, New Me phase, I’m here to remind you that unless you change your mindset, there’s a good chance you’re going to end up being the same old you. That’s because you can’t change a habit from the same mind that...